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A sensor is a measuring device for a physical quantity such as temperature, light intensity, pressure, or distance. In most cases the value delivered by the sensor can be any number within the measuring range. However, there are also sensors that only know two states, similar to a switch, for example fill level detectors, touch sensors, etc.

The physical quantity in the sensor is usually converted into an electrical voltage and processed further by evaluation electronics [more...For the processing with a computer, the voltage with an analog-to-digital converter (DAC) must be converted to a number]. The interior structure of sensors can be highly complex, such as in ultrasonic sensors, gyroscope sensors, or laser distance measurers. The characteristic curve of the sensor describes the relationship between the physical measurement value and the value delivered by the sensor. With many sensors the characteristic curve is fairly linear, but one has to determine the conversion factor and the zero offset. For this, the sensor is calibrated in a series of measurements with known quantities.

The ultrasonic sensor determines the distance to an object via the running time required for a short ultrasonic pulse to travel from the sensor to the object and back again. For distances between about 30 cm and 2 m, the sensor yields values between 0 and 255, where 255 (in simulation mode -1) is returned when there is no object in the measuring range.

Ultrasonic sensor

In most applications, a sensor is integrated in a program in such a way that its value is periodically retrieved. This is called "polling the sensor". In a repeating loop, the sensor values are processed further in the program. The number of measurements per second (temporal resolution) depends on the sensor type, the speed of the computer, and the data connection between the Brick and the program. The ultrasonic sensor is only capable of about 2 measurements per second.

The state of the sensors that have only two states can also be detected through polling. However, it is often easier to conceive of the changing of state as an event and to process it programmatically with a callback.

PROGRAMMING CONCEPTS: Sensor, sensor calibration, polling & event, trigger level





In many cases you can decide whether you would prefer to handle a sensor via polling or events. This is somewhat dependent on the application. You can compare both procedures by connecting a motor and a touch sensor to the brick. Here, a click on the touch sensor should turn the motor on, and another click should turn it off again.

Events are much smarter for this application because they inform you about the pressing of the touch sensor through a function call. You simply have to pass this function as a named parameter when creating the TouchSensor. With polling, on the other hand, it is necessary to use a flag in order to process only the transition from a non-pressed state to a pressed state.

With polling:

from nxtrobot import *
#from ev3robot import *

def switchMotorState():
    if motor.isMoving():

robot = LegoRobot()
motor = Motor(MotorPort.A)
ts = TouchSensor(SensorPort.S3)

isOff = True
while not robot.isEscapeHit():
    if ts.isPressed() and isOff:
        isOff = False
    if not ts.isPressed() and not isOff:
        isOff = True
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With events:

#from nxtrobot import *
from ev3robot import *

def onPressed(port):
    if motor.isMoving():
robot = LegoRobot()

motor = Motor(MotorPort.A)
ts = TouchSensor(SensorPort.S1, 
         pressed = onPressed)
while not robot.isEscapeHit():
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Sensors can be handled with polling or events. You must know both of the methods and be able to determine which one is more appropriate in a given situation. In the event model, you define functions whose name usually begins with “on”. These are called  callbacks because they are automatically called by the system upon the occurrence of the event ("recalled"). You have to register callbacks using named parameters during the generation of the sensor object.





Preliminary note: If you do not have an ultrasonic sensor in your EV3 kit, you can use the EV3 infrared sensor instead.

You must always poll a sensor if you need its measured data at a constant rate. Now you will take on a task where the robot, after you put anywhere on the floor, has to find an object (an aim or target) and travel to it.

You use an ultrasonic sensor to detect a target, which is implemented similarly to a radar target recognition system. To learn about the properties of a sensor and to try it out, you should not shy away from writing a short test program that you will have no need for later on. It is advisable to write out the sensor values and to also make them potentially audible, since you would then have your hands and eyes free to move the robot and the sensor.

# from nxtrobot import *
from ev3robot import *

robot = LegoRobot()
us = UltrasonicSensor(SensorPort.S1)
isAutonomous = robot.isAutonomous()
while not robot.isEscapeHit():  
    dist = us.getDistance()
    print("d = ", dist)
    robot.drawString("d=" + str(dist), 0, 3)
    robot.playTone(10 * dist + 100, 50)
    if dist == 255:
        robot.playTone(10 * dist + 100, 50)
    if isAutonomous:
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In order to find and get to a target, you rotate the robot like a radar antenna and constantly search for the target with the ultrasonic sensor. If you detect the target, you should note the direction and continue to rotate until the echo stops. You do this in order to determine the apparent size of the target (the angle range in which the target is “visible”). You then move the robot along the middle of the angle of the range and stop at a certain distance.

In simulation mode, you can visualize the distance measuring with setBeamAreaColor() and setProximityCircleColor(). The displayed target corresponds to the image file that is specified in RobotContext.useTarget().

However, for the registration of the target by the simulated sensor it is not that picture that will be used, but a web of triangle meshes. These consists of a common central point and two vertices. The displayed target has the meshes:
PP0P1, PP1P2, PP2P3, PP3P4, PP4P0.

In the program, you indicate the vertices of the meshes as a parameter of the method useTarget(). The coordinates refer to a pixel coordinate system with its origin at the center, the positive x-axis pointing to the right, and the positive y-axis pointing downwards.

The mesh coordinates for a hexagon with a diameter of 100 are:

[50, 0] , [25, 43], [-25, 43], [-50, 0], [-25, -43], [25, -43].



from simrobot import *
#from nxtrobot import *
#from ev3robot import *

mesh = [[50, 0], [25, 43], [-25, 43], [-50, 0], 
          [-25, -43], [25, -43]] 
RobotContext.useTarget("sprites/redtarget.gif", mesh, 400, 400)

def searchTarget():
    global left, right
    found = False
    step = 0
    while not robot.isEscapeHit():  
        step = step + 1
        dist = us.getDistance()
        print("d = ", dist)
        if dist != -1:  # simulation
        #if dist < 80:   # real
            if not found:
                found = True
                left = step
                print("Left at", left)
                robot.playTone(880, 500)
            if found:    
                right = step
                print("Right at ", right)
                robot.playTone(440, 5000)

left = 0
right = 0
robot = LegoRobot()
gear = Gear()
us = UltrasonicSensor(SensorPort.S1)
gear.left((right - left) * 25)   # simulation
#gear.left((right - left) * 100)  # real
print("Moving forward...")
while not robot.isEscapeHit() and gear.isMoving(): 
    dist = us.getDistance()
    print("d =", dist)
    robot.playTone(10 * dist + 100, 100)
    if dist < 40:
print("All done")        
Highlight program code (Ctrl+C to copy, Ctrl+V to paste)





You can usually determine the sensor value through the repeated queries (polling) of a getter method (getValue(), getDistance(), etc.)

When switching between simulation mode and real mode you have to adjust certain values, especially time intervals. You must also note that the sensor returns -1 in the simulation mode and 255 in the real mode if it cannot find the target.

In simulation mode, the viewing direction of the ultrasonic sensor is determined by the sensor port used:

Sensor port Viewing direction
S1 forwards
S2 left
S3 backwards




Sensors that provide continuous values can be implemented with the event model, too. Here, we define a certain measurement value as a threshold, usually called a trigger level. An event is triggered when this level is crossed, either from smaller to larger values or vice versa.

The sensors have a default value for the trigger level, but you can change this with setTriggerLevel().

Your program ensures that the moving robot stays within a circular area (for example, so that it does not fall off a table). In this case, you use the light sensor, and it must react only to light and dark. If the surface is dark, the callback  onDark is triggered.

With the NXT in real mode, it is important that you turn on the LED illumination of the sensor with activate(True).

from simrobot import *
#from nxtrobot import *
#from ev3robot import *

RobotContext.setStartPosition(250, 200)
def onDark(port, level):

robot = LegoRobot()
gear = Gear()
ls = LightSensor(SensorPort.S3, 
      dark = onDark)
ls.setTriggerLevel(100)  # adapt value
while not robot.isEscapeHit():
Highlight program code (Ctrl+C to copy, Ctrl+V to paste)





The crossing of a particular measured value can be interpreted as an event. This is called triggering.

Default values of the trigger levels:


Trigger level(standard)

Sound sensor 50
Light sensor 500
Ultrasonic sensor 10

The advantages and disadvantages of the event model, compared to polling, can be summarized as following:

Advantages of the event model Disadvantages of the event model
A simplified and clearer programming style, since the code in the callback is separate from the rest of the program.
The program currently running is interrupted at unpredictable times (asynchronous). This can interfere with the rest of the program flow.
The event is always detected, even when the PC is slow.

Callbacks can have unwanted side effects, e.g. if they change global variables or the state of the robot.

The main program can continue normally and does not need take care of the sensor.

Callbacks run in a separate process, so there may be conflicts between processes (threads).

Triggering is a central concept of measurement technology.
Only a certain value can be detected (the trigger level).
The event model fits thinking in states (the event puts the system in a new state).
Callbacks should, in principle, only contain short-lasting code, otherwise the other events may get lost.






At a first clap the robot should start moving, and with any further clapping it should change its direction. Solve this problem in both real mode and simulation mode. In real mode, use the sound sensor. In simulation mode, you need a microphone on your PC and you have to correctly set up the microphone level in the control panel.


Connect a motor and a touch sensor to the Brick and write a program, where the motor turns on when you press the sensor button and turns off again when you release it.


Make a robot with an ultrasonic sensor and a touch sensor that finds 3 taller objects (candles, cans...), runs into them, and knocks them over.

In simulation mode, you can interpret the knocking over as a touch event and you can use squaretarget.gif to represent the objects. The image is 60x60 pixels in size. You can use the following template for the RobotContext. Try to understand the information under mesh.



mesh = [[-30, -30], [-30, 30], [30, -30], [30, 30]]
RobotContext.useTarget("sprites/squaretarget.gif", mesh, 350, 250)
RobotContext.useObstacle("sprites/squaretarget.gif", 350, 250) 
RobotContext.useTarget("sprites/squaretarget.gif", mesh, 100, 150)
RobotContext.useObstacle("sprites/squaretarget.gif", 100, 150) 
RobotContext.useTarget("sprites/squaretarget.gif" ,mesh, 200, 450)
RobotContext.useObstacle("sprites/squaretarget.gif", 200, 450) 
RobotContext.setStartPosition(40, 450)  


A robot with an ultrasonic sensor is placed at a random position in a rectangular field to begin. Its task is to find the exact middle of the field as quickly as possible. This task can be done in either simulation mode or real mode.

You can use the image file bar0.gif and bar1.gif as a target.






In contrast to the EV3 the familiar Arduino-microcontroller board has a standard I/O system with digital input and output ports. Analog inputs are also available to connect simple sensors that deliver a voltage proportional to the measured quantity. This allows you to use a variety of inexpensive sensors/actuators and to connect easily home-built electronic circuits. If you connect the EV3 to an Arduino through a suitable communication link, you can access these devices from EV3 programs. The connection between the two systems is simple, if you use an I2C link, since both systems support the I2C protocol.

Here the EV3 acts as I2C master and the Ardunio as I2C slave. The additional software support is already included in the distribution of TigerJython. The EV3 can be operated in direct or autonomous mode. For more information consult the website