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Most Important Methods of the Library Class JGameGrid

Module import: from gamegrid import *

Sprites Library

Class GameGrid (global functions when makeGameGrid() is called)
GameGrid(nbHorzCells, nbVertCells, cellSize, color) creates a game window with given number of horizontal and vertical cells, given cell size and visible grid lines with given color and a navigation bar
GameGrid(nbHorzCells, nbVertCells, cellSize, color, bgImagePath) creates a game window with given number of horizontal and vertical cells, given cell size and visible grid lines with given color, and a navigation bar and a background image
GameGrid(nbHorzCells, nbVertCells, cellSize, None, bgImagePath, False) creates a game window with given number of horizontal and vertical cells, given cell size and visible grid lines with given color, and a background image, but no navigation bar
act() invoked in every simulation cycle after all Actor.act()
addActor(actor, location) adds an actor to the game grid and shows it in the game window at given location
addKeyListener(listener) registers a KeyListener
addMouseTouchListener (onMouseEvent, mask) registers function onMouseEvent(actor, mouse, spot) for mouse events (OR mask): GGMouse.lClick, GGMouse.lDClick, GGMouse.lDrag, GGMouse.lPress, GGMouse.lRelease, (also with r), GGMouse.enter, GGMouse.move, GGMouse.leave. onMouseEvent(actor, mouse, spot)
addStatusBar(height) includes a status bar at the bottom of the game window
delay(time) stops execution for the given time (in millisecs)
doPause() stops the simulation cycling
doStep() executes one single simulation cycle
doReset() stops the simulation cycling and sets all actors to start position/direction
doRun() starts the simulation cycling
getActors(Actor class) returns all actors of given class (Python list)
getBg() returns the background reference
getBgColor() returns the background color
getKeyCode() returns the code of the most recent key press
getOneActorAt(location) returns the first actor at given location (Null, if no actor present)
getOneActor(Actor class) returns the first actor of given class (Null, if no actor)
getRandomEmptyLocation() returns a random empty location
getRandomLocation() returns a random location
hide() hides the game window, but does not close it
isAtBorder(location) returns True, if the cell ist at the border of the game window
isEmpty(location) returns True, if the cell is empty
isInGrid(location) returns True, if the cell is inside the game window
kbhit() returns True, if a key was pressed
toLocation(x, y) returns the cell that contains the pixel coordinates (x, y)
openSoundPlayer("wav/ping.wav") opens a WAV formatted sound file for playing. Some sound files are distributed with TigerJython: bird.wav, boing.wav, cat.wav, click.wav, explore.wav, frog.wav, notify.wav
play() plays the opened sound file
refresh() renders the image double buffer on the screen (automatically for most operations)
registerAct(onAct) registers the callback onAct that is called in every simulation cycle
registerNavigation(started = onStart, stepped = onStep, paused = onPause, resetted = onReset, periodChanged = onPeriodChange)

registers the callbacks onStart, onStep, onPause, onReset, onPeriodChange that are called when the navigation bar is visible (not all necessary)

removeActor (actor) removes an actor from the game grid
removeActorsAt(location)  removes all actors from the game grid at given location
removeAllActors() removes all actors from the game grid
reset() moves all actors to the starting position/direction
show() makes a hidden game window visible
setBgColor(color) sets the background color
setSimulationPeriod (milisec) sets the simulation period
setStatusText(text) displays the given text in the status bar (old text is erased)
setTitle(text) sets the game window title

class Actor
Actor(spritepath) creates an actor with given sprite image
Actor(True, spritepath) creates a rotatable actor with given sprite image
Actor(spritepath, nbSprites) creates an actor with several sprite images (index _0, _1,... e.g..fish_0.gif , fish_1.gif,... )
Actor(True, spritepath, nbSprites) creates an rotatable actor with several sprite images
act() invoked periodically in every simulation cycle
addActorCollisionListener(listener) registers a collision listener
addCollisionActor(actor) resgisters a collision partner
addMouseTouchListener (listener) registers mouse touch listener
collide(actor1, actor2) callback when a collision happens, returns the number of cycles in which the events are inhibited


returns the list of collision actors
getDirection() returns the actor's direction
getIdVisible() returns the id of the currently visible sprite image
getNeighbours(distance) returns a list of all actors in given distance. The distance defines a circle around the current cell center (unit: cell width). All actors in cells that intersects with this circle are returned
getNextMoveLocation (location) returns the location of the next move() operation
getX() returns the x cell coordinate of the current location
getY() returns the y cell coordinate of the current location
hide() hides the actor, but does not remove it from the game grid
isInGrid() returns True, if the actor's location is inside the game grid
isHorzMirror() returns True, if the sprite image is mirror horizontally
isVertMirror() returns True, if the sprite image is mirror vertically
isMoveValid() returns True, if the actor remains inside the game grid by the next move()
isNearBorder() returns True, if the actor is in a cell near the border of the game grid
isVisible() returns True, if the actor is visible
move() moves the actor in the current direction to a neighbor location
move(distance) moves the actor in current direction for the given distance


invoked when the actor is added to the game grid or the Reset button is pressed
setCollisionCircle (spriteId,center, radius) defines the circle within the actor that is used for collisions
setCollisionLine(spriteId, startPoint, endPoint) defines the line within the actor that is used for collisions
setCollisionRectangle(spriteId, center, width, height) defines the rectangle within the actor that is used for collisions
setCollisionSpot(spriteId, spot) defines the point within the actor that is used for collisions
setCollisionImage(spriteId) defines collision with non-transparent pixels. Only avaible, if the partner defines spot, line or circle collision
setHorzMirror(True) mirrors the sprite image horizontally
setVertMirror(True) mirrors the sprite image vertically
setSlowDown(factor) slows down the call of act() by the the given factor
setLocation(location) sets actor in cell with given location
setLocationOffset(point) moves actor's center to the point relative to the current cell (location unchanged)
setPixelLocation(location) sets actor's image center to given point by setting it's cell location and location offset
setX(x) moves actor in cell with given x-coordinate (y-coordinate unchanged)
setY(y) moves actor in cell with given y-coordinate (x-coordinate unchanged)
show() shows sprite image with id 0
show(spriteId) shows sprite with given id
showNextSprite () shows sprite with id increased by 1 (modulo number of sprites)
showPreviousSprite() shows sprites with id decreased by 1 (-1 set to nbSprites -1)
removeSelf() removes actor from game grid (the actor reference is still valid)
reset() invoked with GameGrid.addActor() and when the Reset button is clicked
turn(angle) modifies the actor's direction (in degrees clockwise)

class Location
Location(x, y) creates location with given coordinates
Location(location) creates location from given location (clone)
clone() returns a clone of the current location
equals(location) returns True if the current location is the same as the given location
get4CompassDirectionTo(location) returns a list of the four neighbor locations (WEST, EAST, NORTH, SOUTH)
getCompassDirectionTo(location) returns a list with eight neighbor locations (also in diagonal directions)
getDirectionTo(location) returns direction to the given location (in degrees, clockwise, zero to NORTH)
getNeighbourLocation(direction) returns the neighbor location that fits best the given direction
getNeighbourLocations(distance) returns all locations of cells with center within given distance
getX() returns the current horizontal coordinate
getY() returns the current vertical coordinate

class GGBackground
clear() clears the background by painting it with the current background color
clear(color)            clears the background by painting it with the given color
drawCircle(center, radius) draws a cirlce with given center and radius (pixel coordinates)
drawLine(x1,y1, x2, y2) draws a line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) (pixel coordinates)
drawLine(pt1, pt2) draws a line from point pt1 to point pt2 (pixel coordinates)
drawPoint(pt) draws a single point (pixel coordinates)
drawRectangle(pt1, pt2) draws a rectangle with given diagonal vertexes (pixel coordinates)
drawText(text, pt) displays a text starting at given point (pixel coordinates)
fillCell(location, color) fills the given cell with given color
fillCircle(center,radius) draws a filled circle with given center and radius
getBgColor() returns the current background color
getColor(location) returns the background color at center of the cell with given location (actors discounted)
save() saves the current background (actors are not part of it). Restore with restore()
setBgColor(color) sets the background color
setFont(font) sets the color for writing text
setLineWidth(width) sets the line width for all drawing operations
setPaintColor(color) sets the color for all drawing operations

sets the drawing mode to overwrite

setXORMode(color) sets the drawing mode to XOR (drawing with same color restores old background)
restore() restores the previously saved background

Documentation Java Class Library JGameGrid : JGameGridDoc