You should already know that a web page displayed in your web browser is described by an ordinary HTML text file, which is typically located on an Internet server (also called a host). In order to locate the file, the browser uses the URL in the form http://servername/filepath.
http stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol and refers to the process of how the file is transferred from the server to your PC browser, called a client. The server name, also called its IP address (IP: Internet Protocol), is either in the "dotted" form, e.g., or it is an alias, e.g. www.tigerjython.com. The file path of the HTML file begins with a slash, but it is relative to a specific document path on the server.

In the communication between the client and the server we employ the request-response method, which is one of the most important principles of computer communication. It assumes that a server program is started on the server that waits for a client request on a specific TCP port (for the web port 80).

The exchange of data consists of the following four phases:

Phase 1:

The client creates a socket object and connects to the server. The server accepts the connection and remembers the client address.

Phase 2:

The client sends a request to the server and passes it the path to the desired file.

Phase 3:

The server processes the request and sends the file to the client in response.

Phase 4:

The client receives the response and processes it (displayed in the browser window).

PROGRAMMING CONCEPTS: Host, client, IP address, request-response model, HTTP, parsing





Your client program performs the phases 1, 2, and 4 and fetches the file welcomex.html located in the subdirectory py of the server document path.

The method socket() of the socket class provides a socket object to the variable s. Two constants must be passed that define the correct socket type.


import socket
host = "www.tigerjython.ch"
port = 80

# Phase 1
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((host , port))

# Phase 2
request = "GET /py/welcome.html HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: " + host + "\r\n\r\n"

# Phase 4
reply = s.recv(4096)
Highlight program code (Ctrl+C to copy, Ctrl+V to paste)





The request for a website from a web server uses the HTTP protocol. This is an agreement between the client and the server and it determines the procedure of the data transfer in full detail. The GET command is documented in the HTTP as follows [more.. Internet protocols are described in so-called RFC (Request for Comments), HTTP in RFC 2616]:

1. Zeile

GET /py/welcomeex.html HTTP/1.1\r\n          

The command to fetch the file in the directory path of the server, version of the protocol  <carriage return><line feed> (line break)

2. Zeile

Host: hostname\r\n     

Name of the host <carriage return><line feed>

3. Zeile \r\n    

Blank line as a marker for the end of the command





Instead of HTTP, more and more websites require the HTTPS protocol, where the data is encrypted using SSL (Secure Socket Layer). For such a server, an HTTP request on port 80 could result in an error message, as in the following program for the server github.com:

import socket 
host = "www.github.com"
port = 80

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((host , port))
request = "GET /py/welcome.html HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: " + host + "\r\n\r\n" 
reply = s.recv(4096)
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The reply is:

HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Content-length: 0
Location: https://www.github.com/py/welcome.html

But it is very easy to change the request to HTTPS. To do this, set the port to 443 and insert a line with ssl.wrap_socket ().

import socket 
import ssl
host = "github.com"
port = 443

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((host , port))
s = ssl.wrap_socket(s)
request = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: " + host + "\r\n\r\n" 
reply = s.recv(4096)
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The response consists of a header with status information and the content with the requested file. In order to represent the website, you cut off the header and deliver the contents to a HtmlPane.

import socket
from ch.aplu.util import HtmlPane

host = "www.tigerjython.ch"
port = 80

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((host , port))
request = "GET /py/welcome.html HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: " + host + "\r\n\r\n"
reply = s.recv(4096)

index = reply.find("<html")
html = reply[index:]

pane = HtmlPane()
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The function recv(4096) returns maximum 4096 characters from a data buffer, in
which the received characters are copied.

To cut away the header use the string method find(str), which searches the string for the given substring str and returns the index of the first occurrence. (If the substring is not found,  -1 is returned.) Afterwards you can neatly filter out the substring with a slice operation, starting at the index and going to the end.





You will probably wonder why you should apply such a complicated procedure to display a web page, when you can do the same thing using a single line insertUrl() from HtmlPane. What you have just learned makes perfect sense, however, if you do not want to display the content of the website in a browser window, for example, but if you are rather interested in only certain information embedded there. As a sensible application your program fetches the current weather forecast from the website of Australian's Bureau of Meteorology and writes it out as text.

You can make your life as a programmer even easier, if you use the library urllib2 instead of the socket class to fetch the file from the web server [more... A library often creates a simplistic application-layer over complicated code.
Computer scientists talk of high-level abstraction of the underlying low-level code

To find out where the desired information is located, you can create an analysis program that simultaneously represents the page as a text in the console window and as a web page in your default browser.

import urllib2
from ch.aplu.util import HtmlPane

url = "http://www.weatherzone.com.au"
html = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
print html
Highlight program code (Ctrl+C to copy, Ctrl+V to paste)





The use of software libraries such as urllib2 simplifies the code, but obscures the basic mechanisms.





You now have the interesting and challenging task of fetching the relevant information from a long string of text, which is the parsing of a text.

At first you have the subtask of removing all HTML tags from the string with the function remove_html_tags()

The procedure is typical and the applied algorithm can be described as follows:

You go through the text character by character. You thereby imagine that you remember two states: you are either inside or outside of a HTML tag. You should only copy the character to the end of an output string if you are outside of a HTML tag. The change of state takes place while reading the tag angle brackets < or >.

To extract the information of interest you analyze the text after removing the HTML tags by copying it into a text editor and looking for a token that is unique for the beginning of the information. With the string method find(), you can get the index start of this token.  You then look for a token that characterizes the end of the information and search its index end beginning at the start index. For this website the start token is "National Summary" and the end token is "State Weather".  The text in between is extracted by a slice operation [start:end].

import urllib2

def remove_html_tags(s):
    inTag = False
    out = ""

    for c in s:
        if c == '<':
            inTag = True
        elif c == '>':
          inTag = False
        elif not inTag:
            out = out + c
    return out

url = "http://www.weatherzone.com.au"
html = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
html = remove_html_tags(html)

start = html.find("National Summary")
end = html.find("State Weather", start)
html = html[start:end].strip()
print html
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The parsing of texts is usually done character by character. In many cases, however, methods of the string class may help as well [more...Advanced programmers often use the theory of regular expressions (regex)].

In HTML, umlauts and certain special characters are encoded by a sequence initiated with the & sign, according to the following table:





With your knowledge from the previous chapter Sound, you can have the text of the weather forecast read by a synthetic voice with just a few extra lines of code. You can simply add the following lines to the program:

from soundsystem import *

sound = generateVoice(html)
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Various interesting information is offered under the URL http://www.timeanddate.com that can be extracted and reused with a self-written program. One example is that you can get the weather information of any city in the world. Look, for example, at the website http://www.timeanddate.com/weather/canada/halifax with a web browser.
The program should write out the current temperature in an arbitrarily chosen city.

The procedure: First write out the entire text that you get from the above URL and search for the temperature value. Your program must extract this value using appropriate string methods. Let the user select the country aud town with inputString() or an EntryDialog and write the temperature value to the console or to a StringEntry of the EntryDialog.


The method urllib2.urlopen(url) throws an exception in case the URL is not found. Putting the call in a try-except block makes the program branch at an error in the except block.

   print "Error"

If the city is not found, add a sensible error output to the program from exercise 1.